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iPhone Application Development – Preparing To Hire the Best iPhone Application Developer
Professional iPhone App Development is now not only lavishness but also a requirement. The smart phones, especially like the iPhones are now fitting a status symbol. The occupants of the commercial group, especially those of the higher level management in the business like to flaunt the iPhones.
My Product Owner Is Stronger Than Yours!Better late than never but I found out about Quora this week and decided to try it and pop the question: What do you never want to hear your Product Owner say? I’d been meaning to write a post about Product Owners for a while and had done extensive (although utterly non-scientific) surveys of friends, developers, Scrum masters, Agile consultants and clients of our agile project management tool. They pulled through and so did Quora for that matter! Here are the Top 11 things you never want to hear from a Product Owner:
To Companies Creating New Websites – Include SEO From The StartThis article looks at SEO and SEM. Which is best for your website? Which will guarantee the most long lasting results? Read this article and find out.
The Truths of Extreme Arbitrage As a Way to Earn Money TodayExtreme Arbitrage is one of those new products out there that has got some buzz going. This product was launched in early January 2011. It has a good response to it’s pre-sale promotions and has seen some success. The capture page has a video of an English man named Mark Sherwood who begins his pitch on what he has accomplished with it. If you choose to believe what he is showing you, then it is quite the feat. If not, then it is just another rip off scam right? Let’s see if that is so.
5 Factors That Make a Good WebsiteAll websites are not created equal. There are many elements, which separate the good ones from the bad. Serious consideration should be given to these 5 factors, when creating website.
A Few Pet Peeves of Online Marketing and How to Benefit From ThemOnline marketing is a great thing for those trying to make an income online. There are many ways to go about it. One can get overwhelmed with what they are doing and focusing too many tactics at once. There are effective ways to make a living online but one must stay away from things that can drive you up a wall and waste your time of making money. Here are a few of my pet peeves on internet marketing and how you can learn from them.
Does Your Website Cry Out for a Make-Over?Depending on the age of your website, you can easily tell a lot about it’s technology used to create it and if that technology is outdated, it may be causing your business more harm than good. Chances are, if your website was built over 2 years ago, it’s a prime candidate for a website makeover. Any regular visitors to your website can quickly become accustomed to navigating your site, but if they stop coming, or your seeing a steady decline in your visits per month, it could be because the website design is broken, or has stopped providing the single purpose – to drive business to you.
iPhone Software Development – Why NotSome of the most profitable mobile applications have been a surprise to everyone. The statistics show that just about any type of mobile application can and has been a success story – From the clever and useful to the downright silly and even a little weird! Along with some other factors, choice is what makes one mobile apps more successful than another: Although a little luck thrown into the mix definitely helps!