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What’s Your Web Page Speed?
A web page speed is also referred to as the “page-load time”. It is simply the amount of time that it takes for the pages of your website to load or become visible, once a user requests them.
Free and Innovative Website Analytics ToolsMany people think of free web analytics in terms of Google Analytics, well, this is understandable given the big name that Google is. Unknown to many, there are numerous web analytics tools out there that are free and very innovative. These web statistics tools measure everything from real-time visitor tracking, to search engine traffic and user behavior.
Confused About Static and Dynamic Websites?There are mostly static websites on the Internet; you won’t be able to tell immediately if it is static or dynamic. Static websites can only really be updated by someone with knowledge of website development.
Techniques to Website DevelopmentIn today’s era of digital marketing, it is vitally important not only to hold people’s interest but to also generate business at the same time. With websites becoming a significant tool in promoting a business and its services, following a set of techniques while developing the website is very important.
Web-Based Custom Accounting Software in PHP – Customize As Per Your BusinessMost businesses, accountants and financial auditors are still using old desktop-based accounting software for their accounting needs. This is changing though, and for very good reasons. Most of the major players in the accounting software industry have launched online software-as-a-service solutions allowing customers to pay a monthly fee to get access to their books online.
Website Development BasicsWith the emergence of many Web 2.0 sites, there are many web pages being created each day. With a very user-friendly control panel that helps the creator navigate and modify the pages with just a flick of the wrist, this is definitely becoming the better (and cheaper) alternative way to establish a presence online.
Industrial Websites Need Part DIY and Part Professional Help to SucceedOne trend that I have noticed lately with my industrial and engineering clients is that they want to take more of the work in-house. I am referring to updating, maintaining and sometimes marketing their industrial websites.
What is a Web Application?A wide availability of the Internet makes web applications very popular. They are real programs or web programs for online use. Web applications are designed to run on a website, using a browser as a client.