Blogging Mistake #1 – What You Need To Know! (BONUS: FREE NICHE WEBSITE)


Understanding WordPress – A Guide for the Beginners

WordPress is open-source web based software that can be downloaded by anyone to either build or maintain a website or a blog. It was developed in 2003, and has since grown to become one of the most downloaded software scripts. This article aims to uphold the many features and several benefits of WordPress.

Know About The Risks Involved When Updating WordPress

As new WordPress versions are being developed, the upgrade notice becomes available. The transition is easy, but can render the website unusable. Prior knowledge and safety measures should be taken to ensure that the site works at the new level.

Finding The Right Website Development Company – The Right Way To Make A Mark On The Market

To be a success in today’s marketplace which is the web, you need to look at the right Web Applications Development services. Not only should they have the right attitude, the right aptitude and the technology to back up their complete portfolio of services.

What Is a Website Monitor?

In a perfect world our websites would never experience any downtime. Unfortunately we don’t live in a perfect world. If you own a website, it will inevitably go down at some point in time. The reasons will vary, but the effect will be the same. Your site will be unavailable and your customers will be frustrated. If you want to stay on top of your website downtime, you need a quality website monitor.

Understanding Drupal and What You Can Achieve With It?

Drupal is one of the most common CMS available. With its ease of use and a host of modules, it is highly customizable and ideal for building a website.

Looking to Code Software? Become a Student!

There are many options available to help learn to code, here are some helpful tips that do not necessarily involve a classroom. Surrounding yourself with other programmers can be very beneficial. There are also other steps you can take.

Mental Preparation for Prospective Programmers

Mentally preparing yourself for a new job, especially programming, is a very important step most people ignore. Here’s a couple of tips to help you along that path.

Interactive Marketing Works

When looking to grow your business, advertising is a time-proven successful sales tactic. Traditionally advertising has consisted of newspaper, radio and television. But as technology has advanced, the mediums we use to advertise have changed too.

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