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What most merchants fail to realize is that the design of online storefronts can highly affect sales. Minor design elements play a huge role in increasing the conversion rates and for this reason nothing should be left to chance when developing a business website. The secret to having the best website is designing it from the perspective of a shopper. Put yourself in the shoes of your shoppers and choose features that offer them better experiences on your site. For instance, you should avoid animations on the site if at all they will slow down the browsers or use color schemes that end up sending wrong messages to your shoppers.
The Reverse Brain Drain And The Web IndustryIn a highly analytical and insightful piece of writing, the author, who is a veteran of the IT industry, explains the evolution and dynamics of the IT industry. When the advanced nations are thinking in terms of plugging the holes in their immigration policies, the rapidly developing countries are making the most of the opportunities that are being presented to them as a result of reverse brain drain. A 40-year old saga packed in a 700 word article – a must read for everyone.
Website Development ExplainedWebsite development is a term that refers to developing and creating an original website for the internet. People often confuse this term with web designing, which only refers to creating the visual layout of the website. Web designers are often the ones who create the graphics, illustrations and general interface that people see when they arrive at a particular website. On the other hand, web developers are the backbone of the website creation process. They are the ones who handle all the complex coding of the website’s applications and database systems. Without developers, a website would just be a bunch of graphics and text with no functionality behind them whatsoever. Nothing would be clickable or functional, which means the website would basically serve no purpose. Therefore, website development is the first essential step in getting a website created.
Top 8 Factors To Consider When Hiring A Freelance Web DeveloperLike we judge people by looks, people judge businesses by their websites. Website is the face of an organization. The success or failure of a business depends upon its website. In order to make a good looking website with perfect usability and performance, you must hire a perfect team of professionals. An expert web developer can serve his clients to deliver the desired output.
Reasons to Choose Umbraco for Your Next ProjectWhether you are looking forward to run a small campaign or brochure site or some large media sites, you will be in need of a fully featured content management system. Your present website may be a rich source of information, but if it is not presented in the correct form and in a timely manner, then your visitors may not at all enjoy a positive overall experience with your site.
Reasons for Outsourcing Web Development Services to IndiaWe now live in a world where absence on the internet is like “not existing”. This is true for individuals as well as corporate entities. Whatever be the nature and size of your business, having a website for it has become a must. But wait! Don’t think that your work is done there. A website, to fulfill its purpose, needs to be managed. You need to keep it active and promote it for people to at least find it. This is not a task that can be done overnight and then forgotten. For this you will need the assistance of experts who can design it, develop it and also help you reach your target audience. For all this, what could be a better option than outsourcing website design and development work to India?
How Do I Find a Great Web Development Company?A company’s website is a critical part of an overall marketing plan. Choosing the right web company as your partner is equally critical and can greatly improve your return on investment (ROI).
The Inside Story Of Mass Scale Web DevelopmentAll fakes claim to be genuine and good but strangely enough, fakes sell quite well! Same is in the case of the web designing and development companies, where really good firms are far and few. The article makes a bold attempt to reveal the truth behind the curtains in the form of an interesting narrative – a real world experience straight from the horse’s mouth.