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Website Design and Development for Local SMB’s – Ten Tips for SEO and SEM in 2011
Most website developers and designers haven’t ever run a business or taken a marketing class. As a result they are inclined to create a website that is more like a brochure than a business generating machine. Here are the top ten search engine optimization and search engine marketing tips to use in designing a new website or redoing the one you have now.
What Will A Website Cost Me?I often get asked about how much a website would cost someone. Well, for those of us who have one, we understand that they are all different. But there are a lot of things one should keep in mind when they are trying to add up the cost of the website that they want.
2011 The Year For Local Small Business To Go MobileAs at the 1st January 2010 of writing of this article there are 219 days remaining before the next Australian census. Nearly half of Australian mobile phone users now own an internet-capable phone, but only a third accesses the web regularly on them, according to new research by The Nielsen Company. Never the less the ABS 2006 census figures concerning business on the internet percentages will have increased. Internet training for the elderly population is here in the Central Coast and the Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs selected N.E.C and its consortium members to deliver the B.F.S (Broadband for Senior’s) initiative nationally as part of the “Making Ends Meet – Plan for Older Australians, People with Disabilities and Carers”. The Government is committing $5 million each year over 3 years, from 2008-09 to 2010-11. The 2006 Census for population suggests that the Central Coast Area is attractive for retirement aged person’s which is fair enough and the idea that the internet is for younger generations is simply not true now and certainly not for the future.
Web Design Pre-Coding ChecklistWorking within web design each project is very often collaboration between lots of people. This list is an example of a good check list for the Project Manager to use before he/she hands over the project to the programmers.
2 Mistakes to Avoid When Building Your Small Business WebsiteAvoid having your small business website held hostage by your web designer. Learn about these 2 costly mistakes that many small business owners make when building a small business website.
Web Building Tips – Ultimate Suggestion For Learning Web DevelopmentWeb building tips provide you a variety of web related information. All this information is very important to you.
Make My Own Website – Myth of Being ComplicatedFirst off I would like to emphasize that too many people try to over complicate things. It really doesn’t have to be this way! You start by learning the basics which I will show you so you can: “Make my own Website.” Now if that terrifies you — fear not — you are not alone! Everyone (myself included) was aghast at the idea of making a website.
Creative Way to Chose Web Hosting ProviderWe all know of the great competition between the hosting companies. Most of them declare about themselves that they have many happy customers, good web servers and money back guaranty. How can we chose the right host for our website?