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Tips for Creating FAQs for Your Website

One of the most important pages of your business website is on FAQs or frequently asked question about your products and services. The FAQ page plays a major role in providing information to the customers, and it should be easily accessible to them from wherever they are on the website.

What Tools Needed To Build Your Website

Creating your website is not hard to do. If you’re just getting started, don’t fall victim to information overload. Keep it simple.

Position of PHP Developer in Dynamic Website Development World

Basically PHP is a scripting language which used to generate dynamic web pages which in turn bring interactivity with your users. This language can also be written in HTML.

Top Questions You Need to Ask a Website Design Company’s References

A good website design and development company should have a list of references and contact numbers that you can call. This will provide you with an opportunity to get a feel for what it will be like when you deal with a particular website design company.

Usability Testing

Usability testing asks a few average people to sit down at a website and try to figure out what it’s for and how to use it without any prior knowledge of it. The average person should be able to tell in a split second, without any guessing, what your site is about, and the average computer user should be able to maneuver around the site without getting lost and to perform most tasks without trouble.

Dramatic Changes in Web Development

The wonder invention of the century, The Internet has drastically mutated the life of humans and their industry. Since the web space is infinite, the basic framework of utilization and accessing this sea of global space was carefully designed. And standard protocols were set up to put various types of content on this enormous space. Starting with just text, today the internet supports high quality forms of content such as HD videos, photos, sound and graphics.

Discover the Best Software to Build Your Cash Generating Minisite

One thing that scares people away from creating their own internet minisite is that you need special software to create the web pages. This is called ‘web design software,’ ‘HTML editors’ or ‘web coding software.’ Just the names sound scary, right? But it’s not that bad really. So, where do you start? Well, start right here!

PHP Software Web Development – Gear For Your Website

When creating software applications for a website, any developer has to understand, analyze and then come to a decision regarding the various aspects of software web development. The corporate profile of the company and its objectives in building the site also has to be taken into consideration. The developer can then opt for the scripting language most appropriate for the particular website.

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