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What Exactly is CSS and Can it Better Your Website?
Cascading Style Sheets or CSS are the design side of HTML. In other words Style Sheets are the clothing you put over a web pages HTML to design fonts, colors, layouts, and the arrangement and separation of elements on the page.
Nice Web Site, Now What?So you got someone or several people to your web site maybe through organic search or from a referring site, you might have just met someone and they went to your site to check out your company. Great job. Now what?
Website Building – Before You Decide, Look at the RisksDeciding on which direction to take to develop your website should be guided by your decision criteria. Once the right option becomes evident, a last step is to assess the risks associated with the various alternatives.
How to Create a Website From Scratch and How to Promote ItMany people think that they can just make a website upload it to their server and people will visit, this of course is not correct, it is the main reason people fail at making an income online just taking the time to fully research your market can be the difference between success and failure. Choosing your niche and researching your keywords takes time and if done wrong it will be a sure way to failure it is the most important part of building your web site and should be done before buying your domain name and web space, search…
Latest and Smartest Web Investment GuideOne of the hottest trends on the internet these days is the creation of blogs. People create their blogs and post relevant topics on their blogs in the hope of being able to catch the attention of readers and have them revisit the blogs frequently. The blogs are linked to Google or Amazon and then for each person that visits the blog, the owner of the blog space gets paid by Google and Amazon.
How to Write a Great Website Copy That Grabs Reader’s Attention!For many people this part of web site development is non-technical and just simple. Writing might just come naturally to you but then again it might not. Writing is a skill that takes a lot of practice and trial and error to perfect, but ultimately anyone can do it well if they put enough into it.
How to Make a Money Making Website – Start With Your GoalI feel it’s important to understand what your real goal is with your site as you consider how to make a money making website. Not everyone has the same goal and this will affect the direction you take your site from the start. Let me go over you a few examples of what I mean.
Top Ten Frustrations For the Web DeveloperIn recent weeks I have met web developers who have just finished the most difficult project of their life. I have met others who have an enthusiastic spring in their step. They have just begun a new project!